North & East is committed to being open and transparent with our tenants and other stakeholders about the work that we do. A key part of that is making sure that up-to-date information on our structure and finances is available to view on our website.

In this section, you’ll be able to find detailed information about how we are regulated, what we spend our money on and what our future plans are

Who we are

North & East Housing Association (North & East) was incorporated in 1993 having been established in the previous year by a small number of volunteers. We are now a well established housing provider with some 748 homes in management and a proven track record in the delivery of high-quality homes, comprehensive housing services and tenant supports.  We operate primarily in the north east of the country and we provide homes via a number of different mechanisms including building, buying and leasing.

North & East believes that everyone has a right to a quality home within the community. We strive to achieve this vision by working in partnership with local authorities as well as community and voluntary organisations.  While we are  primarily a general needs housing provider,we also provide housing to a wide variety of groups including;

  • families  
  • older people
  • homeless households
  • people with physical disabilities
  • people with learning disabilities

All of the families and single people that we house are approved applicants taken from the local authority housing waiting lists. 

For further information on our activities please see our Annual Reports 2022  2022020  

What is our legal Status?

North & East Housing Association is a company limited by guarantee (company number 197791), and is also a registered charity (CHY number 10970). A company limited by guarantee is a company, which does not have a share capital  and its constitution provides that the liability of its members is limited to such amount as the members may undertake to contribute to the assets of the CLG in the event of it being wound up.

As a CLG North & East is obliged to have a single document constitution incorporating a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.  View our Constitution here

North & East is also a registered charity (CHY number 10970). This means it has been granted charitable tax exemption by the Revenue Commissioners.

North & East is also registered with the Charities Regulator (CRA 20029074)

All of our income is exclusively used to promote the charitable objectives of the company

How are we funded?

North & East is funded a number of different methods;

  • Rent Paid by tenants
  • Government Funding – Capital Assistance Scheme.
  • Revenue funding from Local Authorities (Payment & Availability)
  • Loans from Government – Capital Advance Leasing Facility
  • Loans from the Housing Finance Agency (HFA)
  • Loans from private financial institutions

Details of all of our funding for each year are found in our Annual Accounts – below

As a not-for-profit organisation, we reinvest any surplus we make back into our housing and services, making our communities a place our residents are proud to call home.

Annual Accounts

North & East’s financial accounts are independently audited each year and the audit reports are publically available to view on North & East’s website.

North & East employs a Chief Financial Officer who is a qualified accountant and member of a recognised professional accounting body to prepare and maintain its accounting records which are made available for review to the Associations auditors annually.

View our Accounts here.  2020   2021    2022

How are we governed?

North & East Housing Association is governed by a Board of non–executive directors whose responsibilities are; strategic direction, financial and risk management, monitoring performance and good governance. The Board retains overall responsibility for the strategic direction and development of the organisation. The Chief Executive manages the operation of the charity with delegated responsibility to the staff. 

The Board reviews its performance on an annual basis. New members with skills relevant to the business of North & East have been invited to join. All new Board members follow an induction programme and are offered relevant training. No remuneration is paid to non-executive directors for their services as Board Members. Directly incurred expenses are reimbursed, if claimed.

The directors also acknowledge and accept their personal overall responsibilities under the Companies Acts 1963 to 2014 as the Association is established under these Acts. Each director will act, at all times, in the best interest of the Association as a whole rather than in pursuit of any personal or sectional interest.

The Board has in place a comprehensive set of policies that are reviewed every 2 years.

There are five standing  Board sub-committees, Risk & Governance,  Development  & Property Services, Finance, Investment &  Audit, People Resource and Tenant Services. Details of Committee membership are found in Board Members' profiles at

How are we Regulated?

North & East Housing Association is an Approved Housing Body (AHB) under under section 6 of the Housing Act 1992. AHBs are  public benefit organisations formed for the purpose of relieving  poverty and deprivation caused by poor housing conditions and homelessness or other social and economic circumstances.

As an Approved Housing Body, North & East fully committed to the Implementation of the statutory regulatory framework. These Codes sets out key governance, management, measurement and financial principles that will apply to all AHBs to some extent, depending on the size, scope, risk-level etc. of the individual AHB

As an Approved Housing Body (AHB) North & East registers all its tenancies with the Residential tenancies Board (RTB)

As a Company Limited by Guarantee, North & East makes an Annual Statutory Return to the Companies Registration Office (CRO).

As a Charity North & East makes an Annual Statutory Return to the Charities Regulator and is  compliant with the Charities Regulator Governance Code mandatory for all registered charities from 2020

As a body registered with the Lobbying Authority, North & East makes quarterly returns to the Register of Lobbying

What are our plans?


North & East Housing Association has launched a new Strategic Plan for 2020-2024, having delivered on our previous strategic objective of delivering 700 homes by the end of 2020, this has effectively seen the doubling of the housing in management since 2016.

This new Strategy outlines the Association’s vision for the next five years with the overall objective of reaching 1,100 homes in management by 2024 while re-affirming its commitment to placing our tenants at the heart of our activities

Download the full strategy here

How can I find out more?

If you have any queries that have not been addressed here please email us on