Christmas Card Competition 2017

By David
Wednesday, 11th October 2017
Filed under: Tenants

We know, it’s only October and we are talking about Christmas, but it’s never too early to get into the spirit of things. Of course, we will be having our annual Christmas card competition and we fully encourage children, teenagers and adults alike to take out their art supplies and get involved.

Once you have created your Christmas themed art it can be submitted by post to 287, Block G, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Dublin 15 or you could give it to your Housing Officer when you see them in your area. The closing date for the competition is the 17th of November 2017 and the categories are as follows:

  1. Children up to 12 years’ old
  2. Teenagers aged 12-18
  3. Adults over 18.

Winners will be announced on Friday the 8th December at and the winning designs will be used as our Christmas cards, which are sent to all of the residents, businesses and organisations we work with throughout the year.

Also, the winner in each category will get a pack of Christmas cards with their art on it to send to family and friends! The picture below is an example of a winning entry from last year. 

Good luck everyone!