Contact Us

By northandeast
Tuesday, 5th May 2020
Filed under:

North & East Housing Association is committed to dealing effectively with any queries you might have about your home and we have a number of ways for you to find the answers you need.
Many of your most common queries are dealt with in your Tenant Handbook which you would have received with your Tenancy Agreement. It is availablehere to download 

The FAQ section of our website is a useful resource which is added to as new issues are identified.

Our Tenant Support Desk are always ready to help with all your queries. In addition to managing general tenant queries, the tenant support team are also responsible for dealing with any repair or service issues that may arise. They work closely with our Property Services team to ensure your repair issues are prioritised and resolved as quick as possible. Feel free to contact the Tenant Support Desk at

Finally, nothing beats the old-fashioned way so please give us a call on 01-8200002.