International Neighbours Day

By David
Monday, 25th July 2016
Filed under: Tenants, LocalCommunity

Neighbours Day has been celebrated all cross Europe for the past 16 years.  Across 36 countries and 20 million people this event has grown with each passing year. The goal of Neighbours Day is to encourage and celebrate communities in coming together and getting to know one another better.  This year North & East Housing Association hosted a Neighbours Day event in conjunction with the Connect Family Resource Centre for the all the residents of McArdle Green and surrounding areas in Moneymore. The tenants of North & East, along with the surrounding local community in Moneymore wholeheartedly embraced what this event represents.

This time last year the tenants of North & East moved in to their new homes in Moneymore and here one year later they celebrated the first anniversary of when their new community officially came together.

As was to be expected, the community has grown in the past year and so the Neighbours Day celebrations have grown too. What seemed to be the whole community came out to take part in the fun with young and old alike participating in everything from face painting to the egg and spoon race.

The bouncy castle might not have been for the adults, but it looked as though the children on it had enough fun for everyone combined.

The sun was shining all day, there was cake and fun being had by all who came and Neighbours Day did exactly what it was created to do, bring together bring together people who live in the same place to promote and celebrate the value of community.